Monday, July 07, 2008

Keep Swirling

Over the 4th of July I have had some time to think. Well maybe not that much, but enough to be struck by a comment from my very own dad. He said "the thing I most admired about my son when he was young was that nothing ever stuck to him. He just did his thing and rolled with it and made it work. Well now it's a little different."

"Well now its a little different." What did that mean? However, I know exactly what it meant. It meant I have lost that spring in my step. The glisten in my eye. The attack in my soul.

So its been awhile and I don't really believe in new years resolutions or diets, but I challenge my self to get this blog back up and running. I challenge myself to lead the charge for Integrated Marketing. I challenge myself to let lose and speak my mind. I challenge myself to be all those things I thought I was going to be. In this Doogie Howser MD moment that I am having right now. I need to let lose. Fire this blog post across the internet and open up to the world of possibilty that I had forgotten existed until this last year. The new age of media has opened up the game to anyone and it is time I stepped on the court and played a few games.

So as of July 7th, and my new blog are up and running. Please RSS these sites for latest in intgrated marketing news.

Keep swirling.

Patrick Richardson

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