Monday, March 26, 2007

Word of Mouth or Twitter

I was at a publicity club event tonight on Word of Mouth marketing. One of the panelist was talking about how buzz was spread in both traditional and online. He was making a case that the lines between online and traditional buzz were being blurred and it has become harder to define any campaign as one or the other. The example he used to illustrate his point was about an article that he had read in the paper. After reading the article, he got online and talked about the article on his blog. The blog created a buzz and someone who read his blog went home and told their partner about the article. At the end of this story the woman in front of me who had a British accent turned to me and said...

"That's really integrated".
That's why I wrote it down and posted it tonight.

Other highlights from the night:
My first Twitter from my cell phone!
The lines are blurring.

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